python - Increase only the line of an arrow using ax.quiver from matplotlib -

i have geodetic stations , values of displacements on 2 year. i'm using ax.quiverto arrows of displacements on figure.

the problem displacements smaller position of stations , when use scale=0.0001 (or this), arrow increase , need length increase, not whole body.

my code:

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5)) ax.scatter(eee_sb_um,nnn_sb_um,edgecolors='none',marker='o', color='r')  plt.axis('equal')  ax.quiver(eee_sb_um, nnn_sb_um, dsb_1_e, dsb_1_n,           angles='xy',scale_units='xy', scale = 0.0001) 

my figure: plot of displacements


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