Wild cards for a folder in batch script -

am trying execute exe (setup.exe) file in folder called "abc 8.8.0 build , package 12" after running above batch script, error saying "windows cannot find path...". folder name can vary first 10 chars of folder name remain constant. can please.

start ""  "%cd%\abc 8.8.0 build.*\setup.exe" 

for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /ad "%cd%\abc 8.8.0 *"') start "" "%%a\setup.exe" 

perform directory scan, in basic form of directories match filemask "abc 8.8.0 +something" , assign entirety of resultant string %%a (this meaning of delims= - no delimiters). execute setup.exe command each matching directoryname found.


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