json.net - Json to C# Object. Cant create proper class -
im trying deserialize json c# object newtonsoft's json library ,but cant create proper class it.i dont know why cant generate class json2sharp , etc. thats json data:
thats have: https://ybin.me/p/a825152ddcde634a#jrwwc5ww2ba2bkiweblley4+sj0vpps9kszu21bjqus= im adding external link because of limit of message in here. , error is:
an unhandled exception of type 'newtonsoft.json.jsonserializationexception' occurred in newtonsoft.json.dll
cannot deserialize current json array (e.g. [1,2,3]) type 'masterdata' because type requires json object (e.g. {"name":"value"}) deserialize correctly.
to fix error either change json json object (e.g. {"name":"value"}) or change deserialized type array or type implements collection interface (e.g. icollection, ilist) list can deserialized json array. jsonarrayattribute can added type force deserialize json array.
path '', line 1, position 1.
edit: thank answers.after inital data feed uses different format.
here class have tried create, im getting same exception error stated above.
public class small { public int id { get; set; } public long seq { get; set; } public innerobjectsmall obj { get; set; } } public class innerobjectsmall { public string id { get; set; } public int ordertype { get; set; } public list<dictionary<decimal, decimal>> orderbook { get; set; } }
you have create custom jsonconverter
s achieve this. based on data, , without knowledge of logic behind data came :
class program { static void main(string[] args) { var value = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<masterdata>(beginingdataraw); } } [jsonconverter(typeof(masterdataconverter))] public class masterdata { public int id { get; set; } public long seq { get; set; } public list<innerobjects> obj { get; set; } } [jsonconverter(typeof(innerobjectsconverter))] public class innerobjects { public string id { get; set; } public orderdata data { get; set; } } public class orderdata { public string currencypair { get; set; } public list<dictionary<string, string>> orderbook { get; set; } } class innerobjectsconverter : jsonconverter { public override bool canconvert(type objecttype) { return objecttype == typeof(innerobjects); } public override object readjson(jsonreader reader, type objecttype, object existingvalue, jsonserializer serializer) { var value = new innerobjects(); value.id = reader.readasstring(); reader.read(); value.data = serializer.deserialize<orderdata>(reader); reader.read(); return value; } public override void writejson(jsonwriter writer, object value, jsonserializer serializer) { throw new notimplementedexception(); } } class masterdataconverter : jsonconverter { public override bool canconvert(type objecttype) { return true; } public override object readjson(jsonreader reader, type objecttype, object existingvalue, jsonserializer serializer) { if (reader.tokentype == jsontoken.startarray) { var value = new masterdata { id = (int)reader.readasint32(), seq = (long)(decimal)reader.readasdecimal() }; reader.read(); value.obj = serializer.deserialize<list<innerobjects>>(reader); reader.read(); return value; } return null; } public override void writejson(jsonwriter writer, object value, jsonserializer serializer) { throw new notimplementedexception(); } }
some handling invalid data should added should started.
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