html - Div background wrong when cascading divs -

i have created simple html/css sample in jsfiddle show problem. want have multiple section among themselves. each section should have width of 100% , content area within section 978 px.

in general html/css seems work, when want add multiple divs within div (content) , align 1 on left (blog) other 1 on right side (sidebar), going wrong background of wrapper (content-wrapper). ave same background content-wrapper , about-wrapper. both gray. content-wrapper background color must green.

my question:

  • whats wrong html/css: why have both wrapper same background color if have set different color in css?
  • is html/css layout?


<div class="page-wrapper">    <div class="header-wrapper">     <div class="header center">header</div>   </div>    <div class="content-wrapper">     <div class="content center">       <div class="blog">         blog       </div>       <div class="sidebar">         sidebar       </div>     </div>   </div>      <div class="about-wrapper">     <div class="about center">about</div>   </div>    <div class="footer-wrapper">     <div class="footer center">footer</div>   </div>  </div> <!-- end page-wrapper --> 


.page-wrapper {   width:100%;   background-color: red; }  .center {      margin: 0 auto;      width: 100px;  }  .blog {   float: left;   width: 678px; }  .sidebar {   float: right;   width: 300px; }  .header-wrapper {background-color:yellow;width:100%;} .content-wrapper {background-color:green;width:100%;} .about-wrapper {background-color:gray;width:100%;} .footer-wrapper {background-color:blue;width:100%;}  .header {   width: 978px;   background-color: red; }  .content {   width: 978px;   background-color:blue; }  .about {   width: 978px;   background-color: yellow; }  .footer {   width: 978px;   background-color: green; }

you have nothing floating children inside .content block, collapses 0 height. need add .clearfix fix that:

.page-wrapper {    width:100%;    background-color: red;  }    .center {       margin: 0 auto;       width: 100px;   }    .blog {    float: left;    width: 678px;  }    .sidebar {    float: right;    width: 300px;  }    .header-wrapper {background-color:yellow;width:100%;}  .content-wrapper {background-color:green;width:100%;}  .about-wrapper {background-color:gray;width:100%;}  .footer-wrapper {background-color:blue;width:100%;}    .clearfix:after {    content: ".";    display: block;    height: 0;    clear: both;    visibility: hidden;  }    .header {    width: 978px;    background-color: red;  }    .content {    width: 978px;    background-color:blue;  }    .about {    width: 978px;    background-color: yellow;  }    .footer {    width: 978px;    background-color: green;  }
<div class="page-wrapper">      <div class="header-wrapper">      <div class="header center">header</div>    </div>      <div class="content-wrapper clearfix">      <div class="content center clearfix">        <div class="blog">          blog        </div>        <div class="sidebar">          sidebar        </div>      </div>    </div>      <div class="about-wrapper">      <div class="about center">about</div>    </div>      <div class="footer-wrapper">      <div class="footer center">footer</div>    </div>    </div>

is html/css layout?

answer depends on ask - personally, use flexbox.


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