java - String date into Epoch time -

i little bit confused in dates. working on weather app , works fine .. wanna handle type of format own desirable format.


i wanna convert date epoch time , settle date in desire format ::

for j-son

or wanna convert date less figure i.e sun , 9 september 9:23 etc.

use simpledateformat instance parse string date object:

dateformat parser = new simpledateformat("yyyy-mm-dd't'hh:mm:ssx"); date date = parser.parse("2017-09-10t18:35:00+05:00"); 

and use simpledateformat display it:

dateformat format = new simpledateformat("eee, dd mmmmm h:mm a"); string formatted = format.format(date); // sun, 10 september 1:35 pm 


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