bash - Sublime Linter PHP not working on OSX -

i'm trying sublimelinter-php working on osx machine. have tried following this guide, , it's not working. (it's not highlighting errors or anything)

this result shows have php-linter working, right?

$ $shell -l -c '/usr/bin/which php' /usr/local/bin/php 

and here $path;

$ echo $path /usr/local/php5/bin:/usr/local/opt/libxml2/bin:/usr/local/opt/gettext/bin:./vendor/bin:/users/mike/go/bin:/users/mike/code/_scripts:/usr/local/php5/bin:/usr/local/opt/libxml2/bin:/usr/local/opt/gettext/bin:./vendor/bin:/users/mike/go/bin:/users/mike/code/_scripts:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/users/mike/.rvm/bin:/users/mike/.rvm/bin:/users/mike/.rvm/bin:/users/mike/.rvm/bin:/users/mike/.rvm/bin 

i can see usr/local/bin in command. that's pointing right place?

i can run linter in command line on test file (i have no idea if clue or work btw):

$ php -l index.php no syntax errors detected in index.php 

regarding sublime, i've installed sublimelinter-php via package control. shows me nothing. i've directly copied , pasted settings machine is working:

{     "user": {         "debug": false,         "delay": 0.25,         "error_color": "d02000",         "gutter_theme": "packages/sublimelinter/gutter-themes/default/default.gutter-theme",         "gutter_theme_excludes": [],         "lint_mode": "background",         "linters": {             "json": {                 "@disable": false,                 "args": [],                 "excludes": [],                 "strict": true             },             "php": {                 "@disable": false,                 "args": [],                 "excludes": []             }         },         "mark_style": "outline",         "no_column_highlights_line": false,         "passive_warnings": false,         "paths": {             "linux": [],             "osx": [],             "windows": []         },         "python_paths": {             "linux": [],             "osx": [],             "windows": []         },         "rc_search_limit": 3,         "shell_timeout": 10,         "show_errors_on_save": false,         "show_marks_in_minimap": true,         "syntax_map": {             "html (django)": "html",             "html (rails)": "html",             "html 5": "html",             "javascript (babel)": "javascript",             "magicpython": "python",             "php": "html",             "python django": "python",             "pythonimproved": "python"         },         "tooltip_fontsize": "1rem",         "tooltip_theme": "packages/sublimelinter/tooltip-themes/default/default.tooltip-theme",         "tooltip_theme_excludes": [],         "tooltips": false,         "warning_color": "ddb700",         "wrap_find": true     } } 

still nothing. i've tried restarting iterm , sublime multiple times. don't understand how $path stuff works , don't know shell/bash possibly missing obvious.

how can working?


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