opencv3.0 - Python2.7/OpenCV3.3: error in disparity map while using StereoBM_create in python -

i using opencv 3.3 in python 2.7 create disparity map. read ans1 ans2 ans3, no help. follow below steps:

  1. upload camera intrinsic , extrinsic matrices. uploaded rotation , translation matrices too.
  2. uploaded left , right images , use cv2.stereorectify p1,p2,r1 , r2.
  3. computes undistort , rectify maps using cv2.initundistortrectifymap.
  4. use cv2.remap rectified images.
  5. use cv2.stereobm_create block matching.
  6. and finally, compute disparity.

but disparity map full of noises. nothing clear. tried changing blocksize no help.

my code below:

import cv2 import numpy np import matplotlib.pyplot plt   cameramatrixl = np.load('mtx_left.npy') distcoeffsl = np.load('dist_left.npy') cameramatrixr = np.load('mtx_right.npy') distcoeffsr = np.load('dist_right.npy') r = np.load('r.npy') t = np.load('t.npy')  imgleft = cv2.imread('d:\python/triangulate in 3 d\left120.jpg',0) imgright = cv2.imread('d:\python/triangulate in 3 d/right120.jpg',0)  r1,r2,p1,p2,q,validpixroi1, validpixroi2 = cv2.stereorectify(cameramatrixl,distcoeffsl,cameramatrixr,distcoeffsr,(640,480),r,t,alpha=0)   #computes undistort , rectify maps mapxl, mapyl = cv2.initundistortrectifymap(cameramatrixl, distcoeffsl, r1, p1, (640,480), cv2.cv_32fc1) mapxr, mapyr = cv2.initundistortrectifymap(cameramatrixr, distcoeffsr, r2, p2, (640,480), cv2.cv_32fc1)   dstl = cv2.remap(imgleft, mapxl, mapyl,cv2.inter_linear) dstr = cv2.remap(imgright, mapxr, mapyr,cv2.inter_linear)  #cv2.imwrite('left.png',dstl) #cv2.imwrite('right.png',dstr)  stereo = cv2.stereobm_create(numdisparities=16, blocksize=15) disparity = stereo.compute(dstl,dstr)  plt.imshow(disparity,'gray') 

various matrices , images used can downloaded here. also, want mention 1 thing here translation matrix come t = np.array([[-94.52],[-0.76],[24.45]]) can not 24.45 mm because set both cameras parallel. so, check factor changed t t = np.array([[-94.52],[-0.76],[0.45]]) got same result.

how can disparity map. calibrated cameras many times not getting disparity map. reprojection error both cameras comes out below 0.02 pixels.



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