jackson - How to access Headers parameter while deserializing json payload? -

i'm working on legacy jersey project has wrapper class localdatetime parameter, of used on resources *param (query, form,path) , on attribute of json payload deserialized through jackson. of these endpoints contain header parameter denotes timezone.

the timezone captured through containerrequestfilter uses threadlocal:

public class timezonefilter implements containerrequestfilter {      public static final threadlocal<zoneid> zoneid = new threadlocal<zoneid>();      @override     public void filter(containerrequestcontext requestcontext, containerresponsecontext responsecontext)             throws ioexception {         settimezone(requestcontext); ...     }      } 

im in process of switching on existing resources use jersey async , there cases these resources null zoneids when getting threadlocal. in order avoid this, ive used javax.ws.rs.ext.paramconverterprovider

@provider public class mycustomparamconverterprovider implements paramconverterprovider {      @context     private httpheaders httpheaders;      @override     public <t> paramconverter<t> getconverter(class<t> rawtype, type generictype, annotation[] annotations) {         //.. converting target wrapper class while using injected headers reference zone     }  } 

this works query, form , path. resources require json payload, how access request headers inside custom deserializer wrapper class?


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