vim - Can I search all my registers to paste a value -

let's i'm restructuring text including line contains text "log". after bit more editing, want paste log line, in far-off register. there way search registers first contains term "log" , paste contents?

the following should job:

function! searchandpastereg()     let l:pattern = input('reg search: ')     if l:pattern == '' | return | endif     l:i in range(1, 9)         if match(eval('@'.l:i), l:pattern) != -1             execute printf('normal "%i]p', l:i)             return         endif     endfor     redraw | echo 'pattern not found' endf  nnoremap <silent> ]r :call searchandpastereg()<cr> 

i'm not sure if talking numbered registers, or registers. if want search regs, extend range list containing desired register names, this:

function! searchandpastereg()     let l:pattern = input('reg search: ')     if l:pattern == '' | return | endif      let l:regs = range(char2nr('1'), char2nr('9'))     call map(extend(l:regs, range(char2nr('a'), char2nr('z'))), 'nr2char(v:val)')      l:reg in l:regs         if match(eval('@'.l:reg), l:pattern) != -1             execute printf('normal "%s]p', l:reg)             return         endif     endfor     redraw | echo 'pattern not found' endf  nnoremap <silent> ]r :call searchandpastereg()<cr> 


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