c++ - Is it bad to not define a static array size in a class?--but rather to let it autosize -

ex: acceptable? compiles , seems work me; bad form?

.h file

class myclass {   static char c[]; }; 

.cpp file

char myclass::c[] = "abcde"; 

or must instead, example?

.h file

class myclass {   static char c[10]; }; 

.cpp file

char myclass::c[10] = "abcde"; 

is there benefit 1 technique on other? i'm not sure if i'm missing something. don't know don't know, ya know?


the original code posted looked below. edited make shown above since didn't mean "private" aspect of point of discussion. in real code (running on arduino), using .h , .cpp files , static member intended accessed class. i guess i'm learning new though too, answers regarding below code seem tell me private static members same public static members ie: can both modified outside class if static. that, didn't know. wrong, see answer alok save here. more on static member variables here. line helpful me: "because static member variables not part of individual objects, must explicitly define static member if want initialize non-zero value...this initializer should placed in code file class (eg. something.cpp). in absense of initializing line, c++ initialize value 0."

class myclass {   private:   static char c[]; };  char myclass::c[] = "abcde"; 

or must instead, example?

class myclass {   private:   static char c[10]; };  char myclass::c[10] = "abcde"; 

the question seems whether explicitly write size of array, rather deduce assignment. consider this:

what if need change string value array initialized to? if explicitly define size, need change in 3 places. first in class definition, second in static variable assignment. , third, end changing value of string assigned. not explicitly writing array size allows make change in 1 place. additionally, eliminates possibility of forgetting add 1 null terminator @ end of string.

clearly, simplifies future code changes , not sacrifice code clarity.


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