.net - Display &#8211 text with Smileys in windows phone 8.1 C# (smileys are look like &#8211.) -

i have string server contains content string html tags , smileys there.

i'm able rid of html tags this,

string get_title_with_nohtml = regex.replace(get_title, @"<[^>]+>| ", "").trim();

but smileys is. not able solution smileys while surfing much.

here windows phone screen shot: enter image description here

the smileys red square area. have tried richtextblock richtextblock hasn't text property.

i tried richtextblock example.

       var control = sender richtextblock;       if (control != null)       {       control.blocks.clear();       string value = e.newvalue.tostring();        var paragraph = new paragraph();       paragraph.inlines.add(new run {text = value});       control.blocks.add(paragraph);  } 

but result isn't exact.

how can exact smileys? possible solution? in advance!

i got solution this.

 string header_dashboard = windows.data.html.htmlutilities.converttotext(youstringswith_&#8221); 


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