c++ - Speeding up processing speed for HoughCircles -

i working on hough circles function. when use function, processing speed quite slow. example, real time video feeding have lags of 1 seconds when move camera. or 10 seconds. code follows

#include <sstream> #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp" #include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp" #include <opencv\cv.h> #include <opencv\highgui.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h>  using namespace std; using namespace cv;   int main(int argc, char** argv) {      //create window trackbars     namedwindow("trackbar window", cv_window_autosize);      //create trackbar change brightness     int islidervalue1 = 50;     createtrackbar("brightness", "trackbar window", &islidervalue1, 100);      //create trackbar change contrast     int islidervalue2 = 50;     createtrackbar("contrast", "trackbar window", &islidervalue2, 100);      //create trackbar change param1 in houghcircle     int param1 = 150;     createtrackbar("param1", "trackbar window", &param1, 300);      //create trackbar change param2 in houghcircle     int param2 = 200;     createtrackbar("param2", "trackbar window", &param2, 300);      //create trackbar change min radius in houghcircle     int minr = 0;     createtrackbar("minradius", "trackbar window", &minr, 300);      //create trackbar change max radius in houghcircle     int maxr = 0;     createtrackbar("maxradius", "trackbar window", &maxr, 300);      //debugging purpose     cout << "all trackbars created" << endl;      //create variable store image     mat src;     //create video capture     videocapture capture;     //open video either file or webcam     //capture.open("c:\\users\\student-id\\downloads\\space mission iiia\\gopr0503.mp4");     capture.open(0);      //store whatever captured src     capture.read(src);      //set frame height     capture.set(cv_cap_prop_frame_height, 240);     capture.set(cv_cap_prop_frame_width, 320);      //debugging purpose     cout << "vidoe opened" << endl;      if (!src.data) {         std::cout << "error:\topening image" << std::endl;         return -1;     }      //create window display videos     cv::namedwindow("image1", cv_window_autosize);       while (true){          capture.read(src);         //code changing brightness , contrast         int ibrightness = islidervalue1 - 50;         double dcontrast = islidervalue2 / 50.0;         src.convertto(src, -1, dcontrast, ibrightness);          //debugging purpose         cout << "1" << endl;           //create variable store processed image         mat src_gray2;         //convert colour grayscale         cvtcolor(src, src_gray2, cv_bgr2gray);         //smooth , blur image reduce noise         gaussianblur(src_gray2, src_gray2, cv::size(9, 9), 2, 2);          vector<vec3f> circles;            //change param1 , 2 double integer         double dparam1 = param1 / 1.0;         double dparam2 = param2 / 1.0;          //debugging purpose         cout << "2" << endl;          //apply houghcircle function         houghcircles(src_gray2, circles, cv_hough_gradient,         2,   // accumulator resolution (size of image / 2)         5,  // minimum distance between 2 circles         dparam1, // canny high threshold         dparam2, // minimum number of votes         minr, maxr); // min , max radius          //debugging purpose         cout << "3" << endl;             //draw circle         (size_t = 0; < circles.size(); i++)         {             point center(cvround(circles[i][0]), cvround(circles[i][1]));             int radius = cvround(circles[i][2]);             circle(src, center, 3, scalar(0, 255, 0), -1, 8, 0);             // circle outline             circle(src, center, radius, scalar(0, 0, 255), 3, 8, 0);             //display words on top left hand corner             puttext(src, "circle found", point(0, 50), 1,2,scalar(0, 255, 0),2);         }         //display video          imshow("image1", src);          //debugging purpose         cout << "5" << endl;          //delay refresh pic         cvwaitkey(33);      }     return 0; } 

so debugging numbering stops @ "2" 10 seconds before jump 3. told before increase param1 , param2, if max both 300 or 200, no circles detected. note: circles of various sizes, can forget min , max radius

this amount of lag me, there way improve speed of processing respect coding , others?

i using opencv 3.0.0 c++ on microsoft visual studio 2013, running win 8 64bit system.


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