ruby - setting qos to 1 always sending the message -

i test sample code , set qos 1. why server sending message subscribe client subscribe client received message , search should solve problem because in mqtt specs subscribe client should send puback after receiving message confirm message received. did missed something? tips?


require 'rubygems' require 'mqtt'  mqtt::client.connect('') |client|   client.get_packet('test'=>1) |packet|     puts packet.inspect   end end 


require 'rubygems' require 'mqtt'  # publish example mqtt::client.connect('') |c|   c.publish('test', 'message 3', 0, 1) end 

because mqtt specifications qos 1 states message delivered at least once, may delivered more 1 time. (eg. puback timeout, network issues)

quoting specs link:
although tcp guarantees delivery of packets, there scenarios mqtt message may not received. in case of mqtt messages expect response (qos >0 publish, pubrel, subscribe, unsubscribe), if response not received within time period, sender may retry delivery. sender should set dup flag on message.

this can maybe bug in ruby client implementation. broker compliant specs , re-delivers message.
if need message delivered once try qos 2.


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