api - Shopify - Client side order Tagging -

as per requirements got, in shopify shop, admin should able search orders customer chosen delivery date. feasible thing find tag orders delivery , filter orders tag. question whether there proper way tag orders customer given delivery date when order created? (i'm not allowed use paid app/plug-in)

there 2 approaches figure out admin orders api, both has issues,

  1. write webhook (for order confirmation event) external server user selected delivery date , call admin order api there tag order - issues it's overhead maintain server tagging order , if since admin api doesn't allow cors feasible? (and since shop owner doesn't want pay paid plugin, maintaining server not practical)

  2. call admin api client-side after order confirmed. tried , works it's expected issue have keep admin api credentials orders , transactions stored in client-side javascript not practice @ all, per knowledge.

it's allowed create additional details order @ client side using cart-attributes, , shown @ admin order's page well, shoify doesn't allow search orders using cart-attributes added order.

i grateful if can suggest solution this.

you can chrome plugin (or complex bookmarklet) no server side requirements. see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/overview

your api calls following poc scripts. api calls won't search order tags skip , filter note_attribute set via theme's .liquid code. chrome plugin list open orders , display them requested delivery date.

get existing order , update note attribute:

jquery.get('/admin/orders/5803440262.json').then(function(d) {     console.log(d.order);     var = {         id: d.order.id,         note_attributes: [{             name: 'test value',             value: 'test'         }]     };     jquery.ajax({         url: '/admin/orders/' + so.id + '.json',         type: 'put',         data: json.stringify({             order:         }),         contenttype: 'application/json'     }).then(function(d) {         console.log(json.stringify(d, null, ' '));     }); }); 

and reading orders:

jquery.get('/admin/orders.json?limit=250').then(function(d) {     var count = 0;     d.orders.foreach(function(so) {         if (so.tags.indexof('__amazon_pending') != -1) count++;     });     console.log(count + ' matching orders'); }); 


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