Python String Help Hawaiian Word Pronunciation -

i having trouble figuring out why code not printing out after input value word. can input word, not output after evaluating through while loop. thoughts?

ai = "eye-" ae = "eye-" ao = "ow-" au = "ow-" ei = "ay-" eu = "eh-oo-" iu = "ew-" oi = "oy-" ou = "ow-" ui = "ooey-" = "ah-" e = "eh-" = "ee-" o = "oh-" u = "oo-" p = "p" k = "k" h = "h" l = "l" m = "m"  n = "n"  word = input("please enter hawaiian word want pronounced") character_count1 = int(0) character_count2 = int(1) pronunciation = ""  while character_count1 < len(word):     if word[character_count1:character_count2] == ai or word[character_count1:character_count2] == "ae"or word[character_count1:character_count2] == "ao"or word[character_count1:character_count2] == "ei"or word[character_count1:character_count2] == "eu"or word[character_count1:character_count2] == "iu"or word[character_count1:character_count2] == "oi"or word[character_count1:character_count2] == "ou":         print("your word",pronunciation + word[character_count1:character_count2])         character_count1 + 2 , character_count2 + 2     elif word[character_count1:character_count1] == or word[character_count1:character_count1] == e or word[character_count1:character_count1] == or word[character_count1:character_count1] == o or word[character_count1:character_count1] == p or word[character_count1:character_count1] == k or word[character_count1:character_count1] == h or word[character_count1:character_count1] == l or word[character_count1:character_count1] == m or word[character_count1:character_count1] == n:         print("your word",pronunciation + word[character_count1:character_count1] )         character_count1 + 1 , character_count2 + 1 

what trying achieve pretty easy, if use data structure called dictionary, basic data structure in python. change data structure that:

dic={"ai" :"eye-","ae" :"eye-","ao":  "ow-","au" :"ow-"......} 

now can access values (pronunciation) keys (words).

like this,


you get:


so, let's try solution:

define dictionary.

 dic={"ai" :"eye-","ae" :"eye-","ao":  "ow-","au" :"ow-"......} 

take input, better use raw_input if not using python3

word = raw_input("please enter hawaiian word want pronounced") 

split input white spaces , form list.


use elements of lst dictionary key find value. iterate through list , check if input matches key of dic

for in lst:     print dic.get(i) 

none printed if key doesn't exist.

as, requirement isn't quite clear me, have included things needed solve problem.

so, use them needed , solve problem.

happy coding.


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