javascript - Use lazy loading on bootstrap typeahaead dropdown -

i have custom template dropdown(combobox) of bootstrap typeahead having 940 elements each element having images well.

so page load have show elements available in dropdown-combobox after if user type in result filtered.

is there way can use lazy load or other functionality improve performance time of load when have show 940 elements.

code :

$('#scrollable-dropdown-menu .typeahead').typeahead({"highlight":true}, {          name: 'fabrics',          limit: 940,          minlength: 0,          display: function(){             return '';             },          source: substringmatcher(fabrics),                   templates: {             header: function(){                if(selectedfabric)                   return selectedfabric             },             empty: [                 '<div class="empty-message">',                'no match found',                '</div>'             ].join('\n'),             suggestion: function(query, context){                option = '<div class="typerow"><span class="imgblock"><img src="../../../styles/images/fabric/'                                   + query.text.imgname + '" alt="image not found" /></span><div class="desc"><p class="phead"> '                                   + query.text.fabriccolor + ' ' + query.text.openness + ' </p><p class="pmodel"><span class="mdl"><small>model:</small>'                                  + +'</span> <span class="smple"><small>sample:</small>'+ query.text.sample +'</span></p></div></div>';                return option;             }          }       }); 


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