javascript - Is it possible to access the prototype variable GLOBALLY -

function person() {}  person.prototype.getfullname = function(){     var name = "john micheal"; }  var p1 = new person(); console.log(p1.getfullname()); 

here want access variable "name" other prototypes. possible?

if not, there other way ?

thanks in advance.

you should go javascript tutorials. recommend treehouse or codeschool.

anyways, there few possible options / interpretations of question.

if you're trying return value need use return keyword. console.log output name.

function person() {}    person.prototype.getfullname = function(){    var name = "john micheal";    return name;  }    var p1 = new person();  console.log(p1.getfullname());

if want share value between functions need use this keyword. in example can set value in setname , retrieve getname.

function person() {}    person.prototype.getname = function(){    return  }    person.prototype.setname = function(newname) { = newname  }    var p1 = new person();    p1.setname('john');  console.log(p1.getname());

these hard concepts learn on own. recommend working through javascript tutorials learn fundamental concepts.


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