Having trouble calling two variables from method into main C++ -

i having trouble simple program. need call in method (getnumber) outside of main takes 2 numbers user , store numbers. 2 numbers used in calculation method (math) called main. getting uninitialized local variable 2 numbers calling in getnumber. user enter 2 numbers have them added , display result calling in methods.

#include <iostream> #include <string>  using namespace std;  int getnumber(int x, int y) {     // here user prompted input 2 numbers     cout << "please enter 2 values" << endl;     cin >> x >> y;     return x, y; }  int math(int x , int y)                             // here    calculations done {     int result;     result = x + y;     return result; }  int main() {     int x;     int y;     int result;      x = getnumber(x, y);     // trying call in input method here     result=math(x,y);       // calling in claculation method     cout << result;     system("pause");     return 0; } 

void getnumber(int &x, int &y) {          cout << "please enter 2 values" << endl;       cin >> x >> y; } 


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