python - Sorting a "Tuple" by the second value (or by sum) -

my purpose make subroutine takes list of random 4-toops, sorts non-destructively sum of each toop largest smallest, , returns sorted list.

an example output should be:

---- random 4-toops: toop 1: (93 97 78 77); 345 toop 2: (-1 82 92 -45); 128 toop 3: (62 25 -31 -4); 52 toop 4: (-77 -86 18 36); -109 toop 5: (-72 -96 -83 -6); -257 ---- random 4-toops sorted sum: toop 1: (93 97 78 77); sum = 345 toop 2: (-1 82 92 -45); sum = 128 toop 3: (62 25 -31 -4); sum = 52 toop 4: (-77 -86 18 36); sum = -109 toop 5: (-72 -96 -83 -6); sum = -257 

here python variation of code working:

def sort_random_4_toops_by_sum(toops):     summit = 0     s = []     in toops:         summit = 0         d in xrange(0,4):             summit += i[d]         s.append(summit)     = zip(toops, s)     sortedtog = sorted(together, key = lambda x: x[1],reverse=true)     toops = [x[0] x in sortedtog]     return toops 

so stuck problem: in python, zipped sum list , tuples list together, , sorted second element in each tuple, sum. there equivalent function in perl can sort according second element of tuple? here attempt far.

sub sort_random_4_toops_by_sum {      ( @sorted_toops,@sorted_toops2, @sorted_toops_sums, @sortedtoops3 ) = @_;      @sorted_toops2 = map { [ $_, sum( @$_ ) ] } @sorted_toops;     @sorted_toops_sums = reverse sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @sorted_toops2;      @sortedtoops3 = map { $_->[0] } @sorted_toops_sums;      return \@sortedtoops3; } 

it telling me this:

can't locate list/ in @inc 

the test code generate right output:

sub test_step_3 {      $toops = gen_random_4_toops( 1, 100, 5 );      print "---- random 4-toops:\n";      $tn = 1;     foreach ( @{ sort_random_4_toops_by_sum( @{$toops} ) } ) {         print "toop $tn:\t(@{$_}); " . sum( @{$_} ) . "\n";         $tn++;     }      print "---- random 4-toops sorted sum:\n";      $sorted_toops = sort_random_4_toops_by_sum( @{$toops} );      $tn = 1;     foreach ( @{$sorted_toops} ) {         print "toop $tn:\t(@{$_}); sum = " . sum( @{$_} ) . "\n";         $tn++;     } } 

you've got way machinery there. since can't make lot of sense of code, i'm going work scratch. i'm going assume "4-tuples" array references of 4 elements each, because that's need be.

use list::util 'sum';  @tuples = generate_a_bunch_of_random_tuples();  # zip each tuple sum @tuples_with_sums = map { [ $_, sum(@$_) ] } @tuples;  @sorted_with_sums = reverse sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @tuples_with_sums;  @sorted = map { $_->[0] } @sorted_with_sums; 

it is, in fact, possible whole thing single statement in instance of schwartzian transform:

my @sorted = map { $_->[0] }              reverse sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }              map { [ $_, sum(@$_) ] }              @tuples; 

but wrote out long way sake of ease of understanding.

a "zip" (which can list::moreutils) of use if have multiple parallel lists. if every element of output list depends on 1 element of single input list, map works — in fact, better.


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