select - MySQL trigger with if statement trying to query a different table for value to be inserted -

i setting triggers if there update on table value trigger insert fields changelog table. on original update have foreign keys setup keys changed value not used @ all.

the following sql , keep getting syntax error:

drop trigger if exists `history_hosts_modify`; delimiter // create trigger `history_hosts_modify` before update on `hosts`   each row begin     if old.hostname != new.hostname       insert changelogs (cid, remoteid, cat, action, oldval, newval, modified) values(null,, 'host', 'mod', old.hostname, new.hostname, now());     end if;     if old.clients_id != new.clients_id       declare temp1, temp2 int;       select client clients id=old.clients_id temp1;       select client clients id=new.clients_id temp2;       insert changelogs (cid, remoteid, cat, action, oldval, newval, modified) values(null,, 'host', 'mod', temp1, temp2, now());     end if;   end // delimiter ; 

can please me?

13.6.3 declare syntax


declare permitted inside begin ... end compound statement , must @ start, before other statements.



drop trigger if exists `history_hosts_modify`;  delimiter //  create trigger `history_hosts_modify` before update on `hosts` each row begin     declare temp1, temp2 int;     if old.hostname != new.hostname         insert changelogs (cid, remoteid, cat, action, oldval, newval, modified)         values         (null,, 'host', 'mod', old.hostname, new.hostname, now());     end if;     if old.clients_id != new.clients_id         -- declare temp1, temp2 int;         select client clients id=old.clients_id temp1;         select client clients id=new.clients_id temp2;         insert changelogs (cid, remoteid, cat, action, oldval, newval, modified)         values         (null,, 'host', 'mod', temp1, temp2, now());     end if; end//  delimiter ; 


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