c# - The target "RunResolvePublishAssemblies" does not exist in the project -

i'm working on wpf application, using vs 2017 version 15.3.3

i curious know what's behind file type azure function: when added there nothing changed in solution explorer, ignored , continued work (which has nothing azure), when compiled project error:

the target "runresolvepublishassemblies" not exist in project

and warning:

error encountered while loading project. project features, such full solution analysis failed project , projects depend on it, have been disabled

i switched solution explorer view files, , found azure function class hidden in place added in, deleted it, same problem still exist

please, help!

if add azure function wpf project via add > new item in visual studio, generate new class static run method attributed [functionname] attribute, , new class not included in wpf project in default.

based on test, adding azure function class wpf project can not make project work azure function. if you’d create , develop azure function project using visual studio, can choose azure functions project type instead of wpf project type.

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