spring boot - Issue when deploying Jhipster 4.7.0 War file in WebSphere 8.5.5 -

i'm developing application using jhipster 4.7.0 . have created war file. when i'm deploying web-sphere 8.5.5 i'm facing issue:

"com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.exception.webappnotloadedexception: failed load webapp: javax.servlet.servletcontainerinitializer: provider org.springframework.web.springservletcontainerinitializer not subtype"

i have changed class-loading library parent_last because latest version using jpa2.1 , jpa provider websphere older.

it not seem jhipster issue. seems spring boot deployment on websphere issue. suggestion .it seems it's because of library conflict websphere not know should trace it?


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