memory - Android OutOfMemory error ImageView -

  java.lang.outofmemoryerror: failed allocate 14400012 byte allocation 5645520 free bytes , 5mb until oom             @ dalvik.system.vmruntime.newnonmovablearray(native method)             @ method)             @             @             @             @ android.content.res.resources.loaddrawableforcookie(             @ android.content.res.resources.loaddrawable(             @ android.content.res.resources.getdrawable(             @ android.content.context.getdrawable(             @ android.view.view.setbackgroundresource(             @ alexcz.shapetest.test.nextq(             @ alexcz.shapetest.test$1.onclick( 

error ^^

the error occurs when of onclick events triggered. other images show except these 2. both these images not big , around 600x600. in code error occurs at

nextq.setbackgroundresource(r.drawable.nextq); result.setbackgroundresource(r.drawable.correct);  

thanks in advance.


android:largeheap ="true" 

not panacea, , recent method of optimization. explore this official guide learn more.

i recommend replace imageview subsampling-scale-image-view. convenient , fast library compatible imageviewinterface. ship picture in parts, excludes exception.


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