python - NameError: name ... is not defined -

i trying make rpg game in python 2.7 but, run problem. try pygame draw starting_money , stam on screen.(i have them in init function in when run it, says starting_money , stam not defined. (yes, have imported player_1 via player_1 import *.) here example of code:

import pygame pygame.locals import * player_1 import * monster import *  background_colour = (0,0,0) (width, height) = (800, 800) screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)) pygame.display.set_caption('rpg game') screen.fill(background_colour)  pygame.display(starting_money(500), stam(100)) pygame.display.flip()  running = true while running:   event in pygame.event.get():     if event.type == pygame.quit:       running = false` 

and here example of

import pygame  pygame.image.load('player1.png')  class hero:     def __init__(self, hp, alive, starting_money, stamina, player1_sprite,     player1, run):      self.starting_money = starting_money = 500     self.hp = 1     self.hp = hp     self.alive = true     self.stam = stamina     self.stamina = 100 = player1_sprite = run      player1_sprite = 'player1.png'  def attacked(self, hp):     if self.hp >= 1:         self.alive = true     elif self.hp < 1:         self.alive = false  def stam(self, stamina):     if self.stam > 0: = true     elif self.stam <= 0: = false  def money(self, money):     pass 

i figured out, responding guys.

you need instantiate hero hero class wrote. create hero 500 starting money, 100 stamina , 100 hp, call:

galavant = hero(100, 'placeholder', 500, 100, 'placeholder', 'placeholder', 'placeholder') 

then later calling:

galavant.starting_money , galavant.stam should yield 500 , 100, respectively.


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