javascript - "this" undefined in exported react function -

problem: when exported function called react component, console.log(this) displays undefined. expecting return component since have bound in constructor.


import react 'react'; import {leaderboard, createleaderboard} '../utility/gamecode';  class leaderboard extends react.component{   constructor(props){     super(props);     this.showleaderboard = showleaderboard.bind(this);     this.state = {     }   };    componentdidupdate(){     if(this.props.leaderboard){       showleaderboard();     }   }    render(){     return(       <div classname="leaderboard hidden">       </div>     )   }  }  export default leaderboard; 


export function showleaderboard(){  console.log(this); } //----------------------- export function createleaderboard(props){ } 

you calling showleaderboard instead of this.showleaderboard - 1 bound this to.


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