php - How to convert ** into unordered list items while respecting paragraphs? -

i have couple of form fields should respect spaces in text input, i.e. convert text blocks paragraphs <p> ... </p>.

furthermore, lines begin ** should converted list items <li> ... </li> of unordered list <ul> ... </ul>.

$textareas = array(   'form_field_1',   'form_field_2',   'form_field_3' );  foreach($textareas $name) {     $text = $data[$name];     $text = "<p>". str_replace("\n\n", "</p><p>", $text) . "</p>";     $text = str_replace("\n", "<br />", $text);     $text = "<ul>". str_replace("**", "<li>", $text) . "</li></ul>";     $data[$name] = $text; } 

while paragraph conversion works, having trouble list items. current code surround every paragraph in ul tags. however, should surround list items.

would appreciate ideas how fix this.


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