c++ - Segmentation fault when using recursive method taking vector as input -

i'm trying make simple filter using recursion reason, keep getting these seg fault.

#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <math.h>  class filtergeneric { public:     std::vector<int> filter(std::vector<int>& v, std::vector<int>::iterator i); //set i=v.begin() in main private:     virtual bool g(int x) =0;     std::vector<int> result; };  std::vector<int> filtergeneric::filter(std::vector<int>& v, std::vector<int>::iterator i)   {     if (i==v.end()) {         return result;     }   else    {         if (g(*i)==true)    {             result.push_back(*i);             i++;             return filter(v,i);         }   else    {             i++;             return filter(v,i);         }     } }  class filterodd : public filtergeneric  { private:     bool g(int x); };  bool filterodd::g(int x)    {     if ((x%2)!=0)   {         return true;     }   else    {         return false;     } }  class filternonpositive : public filtergeneric  { private:     bool g(int x); };  bool filternonpositive::g(int x)    {     if (x<0)   {         return true;     }   else    {         return false;     } }  class filterfortwodigitpositive : public filtergeneric  { private:     bool g(int x); };  bool filterfortwodigitpositive::g(int x)    {     if (x>=10)   {         return true;     }   else    {         return false;     } }  int main()  {      std::vector<int> v;     std::vector<int>::iterator it=v.begin();      (int i=0;i<20;i++)  {         v.push_back(pow(-1,i)*i);     }      std::cout<<std::endl;      filternonpositive fnp;     filterfortwodigitpositive ftd;      filtergeneric *f1=&fnp;     filtergeneric *f2=&ftd;      std::vector<int> r1;     std::vector<int> r2;      r1=f1->filter(v,it);     (it=r1.begin();it!=r1.end();it++)   {         std::cout<<*it<<" ";     }     r2=f2->filter(v,it);     (it=r2.begin();it!=r2.end();it++)   {         std::cout<<*it<<" ";     }  } 

the bug here:

std::vector<int> v; std::vector<int>::iterator it=v.begin();  (int i=0;i<20;i++)  {     v.push_back(pow(-1,i)*i);  // invalidates iterators "v" } ... r1=f1->filter(v,it);  // using invalidated "it" 

the problem v.push_back() invalidates iterators vector if vector needs resized. documentation:

if new size() greater capacity() iterators , references (including past-the-end iterator) invalidated. otherwise past-the-end iterator invalidated.

after correct above bug moving it initialization after v has been intialized, there additional bugs well.

if building g++, can use -d_glibcxx_debug find such bugs.


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