html - The server responded with a status of 500 (Server Error) -

i have designed website using

i download sample csv templates wix have provided, entered data , imported products wix store. under description column entered html <a href="url">text< /a>.

for url entered affiliate link.

for text entered “shop now”

i able import 100 products, no issues. next day tried import products clicking on "add catalog" on wix, error message appeared on wix store saying:

this page has stopped responding

when clicked on developer tools on google there error message:

failed load resource: server responded status of 500 (server error)

512 log entires not shown

i unable import products if enter <a href= in description column (if typed word or url can import products wix store).

i not understand why able import products on day , when tried import products next day using same method keep getting error message.

i not developer. have limited knowledge computers. have spoken wix customer service still no luck answer.

(posted on behalf of op).

i received message wix support team. have resolve issue.


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