php - Laravel passport oauth/authorize error -

i'm trying use passport using oauth/authorize in order allow web application code , request token later, i'm getting error

route [login] not defined

below code.

client code

    // first route user visits on consumer app route::get('/', function () {     // build query parameter string pass auth information our request     $query = http_build_query([         'client_id' => 3,         //'client_secret' => 'mtkembl0f0bf4lcepcobus0wlhvf5xqqchhcpath',         'redirect_uri' => '',         'response_type' => 'code',         'scope' => ''     ]);      // redirect user oauth authorization page     return redirect('' . $query); });   // route user forwarded after approving on server route::get('/callback', function (request $request) {     return 'test 2';     $http = new guzzlehttp\client;      $response = $http->post('', [         'form_params' => [             'grant_type' => 'authorization_code',             'client_id' => 3, // admin panel above             'client_secret' => 'mtkembl0f0bf4lcepcobus0wlhvf5xqqchhcpath', // admin panel above             'redirect_uri' => '',             'code' => $request->code // code callback         ]     ]);      // echo access token; save in db     return json_decode((string) $response->getbody(), true)['access_token']; }); 

oauth/authorize request error

oauth/authorize request error

maybe have more 1 error. looks forgot define common auth routes. start php artisan make:auth or auth::routes(). oauth routes doesn't have login route, error you've got says didn't define login route. defined in auth::routes() actually.


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