Python counting how many times numbers repeat in a random list -

i've generated list of random numbers 1-100, , count how many times there repetition. example [1,2,2,3,3,3,4] there 1 2 , 2 threes, 3 repetitions. achieve without using type of function.

here attempt:

import random  counter = 0 complist = [] num = random.randint(0,100)  in range(0,100):   comp_num = random.randint(0,100)   complist.append(comp_num)    print(complist)   print(counter) 

simply check number in list before add it.

import random  counter=0 complist=[]  in range(100): # don't need range(0,100) implied.     comp_num=random.randint(0,100)     if comp_num in complist: # if number in list count repetition.         counter += 1     complist.append(comp_num)  # don't indent under loop print(sorted(complist)) # sorted can check result. print('repititions:',counter) 


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