sending MQTT messages from a webpage written in python with Flask -

i trying send mqtt message web page built using flask.

i have established connection in main loop , able send message before starting flask

when call:

client.publish('all/camera/'+path, 'all')  

nothing happens. no error no message sent. best guess scope problem. ie. object 'client' not visible function. have tried initiate client outside of main function , have tried declare 'client' global inside capture() function

the code flask app below:

#!/usr/bin/env python flask import flask, render_template, request import paho.mqtt.client mqtt datetime import datetime  app = flask(__name__)  @app.route('/', methods = ['post', 'get']) def capture():"%y%m%d-%h%m%s")     if 'sessionname' in request.form:         sessionname = request.form['sessionname']         path = sessionname + "_" + timestring         return render_template ('capture.html', path=path, timestring=timestring, sessionname=sessionname)         client.publish('all/camera/'+path, 'all')     else:         return render_template ('capture.html',timestring=timestring)   # paho callbacks  def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):      #sub here re subscribe on reconnection     client.subscribe("+/camera/#")     client.subscribe("+/led")    # main code   if __name__=='__main__':      client = mqtt.client()     client.on_connect = on_connect     client.connect("scanserver.local",1883,60)     client.loop_start()     client.publish('debug', 'server running') = '' , debug = true, port=5001) 

as rmn said. had put return in wrong place. working now. thanks


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