execution api - Why does my apps script deployed as API executable return Permission Denied? -

i created script in script editor, published "deploy api executable". inside script, provided doc_id sheet , defined function data sheet.

i went https://developers.google.com/apps-script/execution/rest/v1/scripts/run test execution api. added scopes, authorized app , tried it. getting following error message:

"error": {   "code": 403,   "message": "the caller not have permission",   "status": "permission_denied" } 

can tell me doing wrong?

make sure app script associated correct dev console project.

the script should associated dev console project id corresponds oauth 2.0 client id used (this dev console project should have "apps script execution api" enabled).

to change developer console project app script select following menu item: resources > developer console project...

on screen enter project number dev console.


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