java - Why pointers are shown instead of string in my inorder traversal of BST? -

here code printing inorder traversal of binary search tree: public class bstprint {

public void printinorder(bstnode root){     if (root!=null){         printinorder(root.getleftnode());         system.out.println(root.getnodevalue());         printinorder(root.getrightnode());     }  }  public static void main(string[] argc){     bstprint bstprint = new bstprint();     bstnode<string> root=new bstnode<string>();     root.setnodevalue("5");     bstnode<string> rootleft= new bstnode<string>();     rootleft.setnodevalue("3");     root.setleftnode(rootleft);     bstnode<string> rootright= new bstnode<string>();     rootright.setnodevalue("8");     root.setrightnode(rootright);     bstprint.printinorder(root); } } 

here's bstnode class:

public class bstnode<e> {     private e value;     private bstnode<e> leftnode=null;     private bstnode<e> rightnode=null;      public bstnode getleftnode(){         return this.leftnode;     }     public void setleftnode(bstnode rootleft){         bstnode newleftnode=new bstnode();         newleftnode.leftnode=null;         this.leftnode=newleftnode;         newleftnode.value=rootleft;     }     public bstnode getrightnode(){         return this.rightnode;     }     public void setrightnode(bstnode rootright){         bstnode newrightnode=new bstnode();         newrightnode.rightnode=null;         this.rightnode=newrightnode;         newrightnode.value=rootright;     }      public e getnodevalue(){         return this.value;     }      public void setnodevalue(e value){         this.value=value;     }  } 

why seeing result following?

bstnode@246f9f88 5 bstnode@1c52ac68 

instead of

3 5 8 

your setleft/right wrong:

they should be:

public void setrightnode(bstnode rootright){     this.rightnode=rootright; } public void setleftnode(bstnode rootleft){     this.leftnode=rootleft; } 

you have node - need set it. there no need create node object.

hint: if @ java warnings in ide find complains should parameterize of values (always use bstnode in parts of bstnode). once add it, tell cannot conver bstnode e in set*node functions.


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