angularjs - Angular Digest cycle being ran but ng-bind value not updating -

i have parent view contains navbar, , inside of view have <div ui-view> element renders whatever child view i'm on.

i want conditionally show/hide navbar within parent view, based on route of child view. right now, have this:

<nav ng-show="!vm.hidenavbar"> 

the first time app loaded, vm.hidenavbar set true , works expected.

after vm.hidenavbar changed false, bound value not updated. still true.

every controller in app extends basecontroller:

export class basecontroller {         public hidenavbar: boolean;          constructor(public $scope: ibasescope, private $state: ng.ui.istateservice) {             if ($state.current.url === '/login') {                 this.hidenavbar = true;             } else {                 this.hidenavbar = false;             }             $scope.vm = this;         }  } 

so, everytime new controller loaded, calls constructor basecontroller , conditionally sets $scope.vm.hidenavbar. if run $scope.$apply() @ end of constructor, angular throws errors saying digest cycle being ran.

so, digest cycle being ran, value in view not being updated. thought have instantiated more 1 copy of basecontroller since initial controller , controller navigated both extend controller. so, now, bound value of vm.hidenavbar still looking @ old controller.

am on right track this? how can solve issue?

in case, suggest go view inheritance (not controller, not state). check more details here:

there a working example

what need 'root' state. super parent of other state (states family). state definition:

$stateprovider   .state('root', {       abstract: true,       templateurl: 'layout.tpl.html',       controller: mynamespace.rootctrl,   })    .state('login', {       parent: "root",       url: "/login",       templateurl: 'tpl.html',       controller: mynamespace.loginctrl,   })   .state('home', {       parent: "root",       url: "/home",       templateurl: 'tpl.html',       controller: mynamespace.homectrl,   }) 

even other state hierarchy start 'root' state:

$stateprovider   .state('parent', {       parent: "root",       url: "/parent",       templateurl: 'tpl.html',       controller: mynamespace.parentctrl   })   .state('parent.child1', {        url: "/child1",       templateurl: 'tpl.html',       controller: mynamespace.child1ctrl   })   .state('parent.child2', {        url: "/child2",       templateurl: 'tpl.html',       controller: mynamespace.child2ctrl   }) 

we can see many controllers:... being defined, , here are:

module mynamespace {     // real super parent of states     // view inheritance (its $scope)     // not controller hierarchy     export class rootctrl extends basecontroller {     }      export class homectrl extends basecontroller {     }     export class loginctrl extends basecontroller {     }     export class parentctrl extends basecontroller {     }     export class child1ctrl extends basecontroller {     }     export class child2ctrl extends basecontroller {     } } 

as mentioned in snippet comment - there inheritance, on code level. passed $scope inherited view hierarchy.

the first controller in view hierarchy rootctrl in fact only, assign (create) shared reference model rootsetting : {}

and derive 1 controller base:

module mynamespace {     export interface irootsetting {         hidenavbar: boolean;     }     export interface imyrootscope extends ng.iscope {         rootsetting: irootsetting     }      export interface ibasescope extends imyrootscope {      }     export class basecontroller {         public hidenavbar: boolean;         static $inject = ['$scope', '$state'];          constructor(public $scope: ibasescope,                   protected $state: ng.ui.istateservice) {                    // in fact assigned in rootctrl                   // others (children) reference                   // via scope inheritance                   $scope.rootsetting = $scope.rootsetting || {hidenavbar: false};               if ($state.current.url === '/login') {                 this.$scope.rootsetting.hidenavbar = true;             } else {                 this.$scope.rootsetting.hidenavbar = false;             }         }     } } 

having in place, root template:

<div>         <div ng-if="!rootsetting.hidenavbar">     ... // navbar   </div>          <div ui-view="">       // standard content of child views   </div>       </div> 

we can see, here evaluate shared reference model rootsetting , property hidenavbar

this real advantages of view inheritance coming ui-router.

check in action here


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