java - LineIterator.hasNext() throws exception if last line of the file is not empty -

i have piece of code looks (in java) uses;

lineiterator iterator = lineiterator(somefile, defaultcharset()); .... while(iterator.hasnext){  process(iterator); }  private string process(lineiterator iterator, somecomplexclass someclass){  while(iterator.hasnext()){   //do using iterator.nextline()  } } 

this works if input file has empty last row.

input file: line1 line2 (nothing here. empty line) 

but if have input file without empty line, lineiterator.hasnext() throws exception saying "java.lang.illegalstateexception: stream closed"

input file: line1 line2 //there no empty line after 

is known behaviour of lineiterator? please me try understand why happening this.

update: don't see close() or lineiterator.closequietly(iterator) in code. can cause issue?

open file reading in text editor can show line numbers notepad++ if last line empty.delete last line.

blank space not mean there no line


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