Trigger embedded Javascript from url (adwords landing page) -

i have javascript in header of site (opencart) scrolls page view 3 variants of product selected drop-down menu @ top of category pages.

function getbatt() {   var myselect = document.getelementbyid("batt");   var battery = myselect.options[myselect.selectedindex].value;   document.getelementbyid(battery).scrollintoview(); } 

i want trigger script landing page url in adwords ad in order display 3 variants of product on category page, rather going directly product page, dislay 1 variant of product. should create better user experience.

(eg ad product bl-4b, destination url xxx/nokia batteries. rather force user manually select product drop-down menu want pass parameter bl-4b (batt) function , trigger on page load.)

is possible/advisable without opening can of worms regarding security?

you create 1 url, url 1 parameter each product, each ad , parameter javascript , scroll product.


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