c++ - Can I make google test return 0 even when tests fail? -

i calling googletest in post-build step of c++ project in vs 2012.

naturally, when of tests fail, googletest command returns failure (-1), , entire project marked failure visual studio.

i not want that. want googletest run, , want see results in output, not want fail project if not tests pass.

is there flag can pass googletest returns success (zero)?

yes, can make test return 0 if write own main function.

i imagine you're linking test executable special gtest_main library basic helper allow avoid having write own main function.

it's pretty doing:

int main(int argc, char **argv) {   printf("running main() gtest_main.cc\n");   testing::initgoogletest(&argc, argv);   return run_all_tests(); } 

the run_all_tests macro culprit returning -1, need stop linking gtest_main , write own main more like:

int main(int argc, char **argv) {   testing::initgoogletest(&argc, argv);   run_all_tests();   return 0; } 

for more info on topic, see the googletest docs.


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