mysql - Like operator not working, using spring mvc and hibernate -

ok, i'm still of newbie java , hibernate , i'm trying search question/answer set in database, , can pull set fine if type in exact question, when use operator nothing works, , i'm not sure do. i'm searching question, , it's part of same object answer, pull answer well.

here's code in questionanswerdao

    public questionanswerset getquestionanswersetbyquestion(string question) {     session session = (session) em.getdelegate();      return (questionanswerset)   session.createcriteria(questionanswerset.class).add(restrictions.eq("question", "%"+question+"%")).uniqueresult(); } 

also here's code in controller

    @requestmapping(value="search", method=requestmethod.get) public string searchget (modelmap model, httpservletrequest request) {     searchform searchform = new searchform();      model.put("searchform", searchform);     return "app/search"; }  @requestmapping(value="search", public string searchpost (@modelattribute("searchform") searchform searchform, modelmap model, httpservletrequest request) {     questionanswerset questionanswersetbyquestion = questionanswerdao.getquestionanswersetbyquestion(searchform.getsearchstring());     model.put("searchresult", questionanswersetbyquestion);      return "app/search"; } 

if me out great, thanks.

i don't see "like" in example assume need change restrictions.eq ro

so if using hibernate 4.3 method:, java.lang.object)

i think bit worrying "uniqueresult" afterwards, if search wildcard assume there might more 1 result. , in case there uniqueresult method might throw exception.

also helps enable "show_sql" in hibernate config see actual sql generated hibernate during development.


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