khan academy - How can I get all the exercises for a topic (e.g., math) and all its subtopics from the khanacademy api? -

khan academy's api explorer has exercises section mentions filtering tags, url math tag applied returns nothing.

the generic exercise objects don't contain topic they're in. guess there's id join on somewhere in topictree/exercises json objects, don't know efficient way find it.

here raw exercises json , raw topictree json (note, second 1 huge, , contains many topics other math).

i don't think there nice way return exercises subtree of topictree (e.g. math). tags different concept, , there isn't tag common in math. best bet load full topictree exercises (and topics) , work there:

if need reference structure repeatedly, makes sense download , filter ahead of time, , maybe re-fetch time time account changes khan academy content. depends on exact use case.

generally, content item can referenced content_id (sometimes called id) or slug, unfortunately, naming , usage aren't consistent everywhere.


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