React Native - Firebase auth persistence not working -

firebase auth not persist logged in user , everytime refresh or reopen app have sign in again.

i have tried setting persistence local , callback verify set persistence still no working

for setting persistence using...

  //set auth persistence   firebase.auth().setpersistence(firebase.auth.auth.persistence.local)     .then(function() {       console.log("successfully set persistence");      })     .catch(function(error){     console.log("failed ser persistence: " + error.message)   }); 

. . . signing in using code

firebase.auth().signinwithemailandpassword(email, password)       .then((user) =>{         this.checkaccountstatus(user.uid,;       })       .catch(function(error) {       // handle errors here.        var errorcode = error.code;       var errormessage = error.message;        console.log(errormessage)       // ...     }); 

and here code using check login status...

if (firebase.auth().currentuser) {         const currentuser = firebase.auth().currentuser;         console.log("signed in username" + currentuser.displayname);          this.props.navigation.navigate('apptab');       }else{         console.log("no user signed in");         this.props.navigation.navigate('authtab');       } 

if there not doing right

you don't need set persistence. firebase handles default. need call function check whether user logged or not:

firebase.auth().onauthstatechanged((user) => {       if (user) {         console.log('user logged');       } } 

this not triggered if user has sign out or cleaned app data.

you can find more details in official docs:

hope helps.


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