c - Segmentation Fault in a Simple Red-Black Tree -

i'm trying build simple red-black tree in c. unfortunately, have encountered segmentation fault i'm not sure how fix. i've included code below , marked line fault occurring.

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h>  #define red 1 #define black 0  typedef struct rbnode {     char key[50];     int color;     struct rbnode *left;     struct rbnode *right;     struct rbnode *parent; } rbnode;  typedef struct rbtree {     struct rbnode *root;     struct rbnode *nil; } rbtree;  void inorderprint(rbtree*, rbnode*); void insertrb(rbtree*, rbnode*); void insertrbfixup(rbtree*, rbnode*); void leftrotate(rbtree*, rbnode*); void rightrotate(rbtree*, rbnode*); int count;  int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {     rbtree *tree = malloc(sizeof(rbtree));     tree->nil = malloc(sizeof(rbnode));     tree->nil->color = black;     tree->root = null;     tree->nil->left = tree->root;     tree->nil->right = tree->root;     rbnode *curr = null;     curr = malloc(sizeof(rbnode));     strcpy(curr->key, "cat");     insertrb(tree, curr);     strcpy(curr->key, "hat");     insertrb(tree, curr);     strcpy(curr->key, "bit");     insertrb(tree, curr);     strcpy(curr->key, "car");     insertrb(tree, curr);     strcpy(curr->key, "map");     insertrb(tree, curr);     inorderprint(tree, tree->root);     return 1; }  void inorderprint(rbtree* tree, rbnode *node) {     if ((node != null) && (node != tree->nil)) {         inorderprint(tree, node->left);         printf("%s\n", node->key);         inorderprint(tree, node->right);     } }  void leftrotate(rbtree *tree, rbnode *x) {     struct rbnode *y = null;     y = x->right;     x->right = y->left;     if (y->left != tree->nil) {         y->left->parent = x;   //segmentation fault occurs here     }      y->parent = x->parent;     if (x->parent == tree->nil) {         tree->root = y;     } else if (x == x->parent->left) {         x->parent->left = y;     } else {         x->parent->right = y;     }     y->left = x;     x->parent = y;  }  void rightrotate(rbtree *tree, rbnode *x) {     rbnode *y = x->left;     x->left = y->right;     if (y->right != tree->nil) {         y->right->parent = x;     }     y->parent = x->parent;     if (x->parent == tree->nil) {         tree->root = y;     } else if (x == x->parent->right) {         x->parent->right = y;     } else {         x->parent->left = y;     }     y->right = x;     x->parent = y; }  void insertrb(rbtree *tree, rbnode *z) {     rbnode *y = tree->nil;     rbnode *x = tree->root;     while ((x != tree->nil) && (x != null)) {         y = x;         if (strcmp(z->key, x->key) < 0) {             x = x->left;         } else {             x = x->right;         }      }     z->parent = y;     if (y == tree->nil) {         tree->root = z;     } else if (strcmp(z->key, y->key) < 0) {         y->left = z;     } else {         y->right = z;     }     z->left = tree->nil;     z->right = tree->nil;     z->color = red;     insertrbfixup(tree, z); }  void insertrbfixup(rbtree *tree, rbnode *z) {     rbnode *y = null;     while (z->parent->color == red) {         if (z->parent == z->parent->parent->left) {             y = z->parent->parent->right;             if (y->color == red) {                 z->parent->color = black;                 y->color = black;                 z->parent->parent->color = red;                 z = z->parent->parent;             } else if (z == z->parent->right) {                 z = z->parent;                 leftrotate(tree, z);             } else {                 z->parent->color = black;                 z->parent->parent->color = red;                 rightrotate(tree, z->parent->parent);              }          } else {             y = z->parent->parent->left;             if (y->color == red) {                 z->parent->color = black;                 y->color = black;                 z->parent->parent->color = red;                 z = z->parent->parent;             } else if (z == z->parent->left) {                 z = z->parent;                 rightrotate(tree, z);             } else {                 z->parent->color = black;                 z->parent->parent->color = red;                 leftrotate(tree, z->parent->parent);             }         }     }     tree->root->color = black; } 

i think might have how initialized red-black tree in main(), i'm not sure , i've tried many different other ways initialize it.

do of guys know i'm going wrong?


if (y->left != tree->nil) {         y->left->parent = x;   //segmentation fault occurs here     } 

y->left can null.

leftrotate need check null pointers


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