Facebook Sharing API - Specify Different Image for Object on Page -

i know how set og tags pages specify image, here situation:

i have page 4 shareable objects. 1 leads page it's own open graph tags, he's okay. other 3 share link anchor position on same page. how make each of own image?

so instance:

shareable 1: http://www.demo.com/page <--- fb get's og tags page shareable 2: http://www.demo.com/home#video <-- fb get's og tag home, want specify different image shareable 3: http://www.demo.com/home#photos <-- fb get's og tag home, want specify different image shareable 4: http://www.demo.com/home#cheese <-- fb get's og tag home, want specify different image

information afer hashtags gets ignored, have rewrite or parameter, example:

http://www.demo.com/home?id=xxx http://www.demo.com/home/video 


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