python - Count mismatch using graph.V().count() and graph.V().has().count() -

so, simpleaddition of verteces in dataframe , edges using own python api failing. set of steps follows:

step 1: cleaning db before adding anything. achieved using:


that followed iterating on dataframe rows add verteces:

ret = g.addv(label).property(kwargs['colname'], node_val).next() 

i keep reference id of vertex add edges it. issue crops up. do:


each time , returns 0 expected , want, error in first iteration itself:

gremlin_python.driver.driver_remote_connection.gremlinservererror: 500: adding property key [name] , value [indiana jones] violates uniqueness constraint [name]

so, do:

print(g.v().has('name', 'indiana jones').count().next() print(g.v().count().next)) 

the output are:

1 0 

isnt strange because count of verteces 0 whereas specific property vertex returning 1. why that? skeleton code follows:

1: clean db 2: use df.iterrows() add vertex in csv file iteratively. 3: created set of vertex, add edges it. 

coming 2nd point, addition of edges returns black list. code follows:

left_node = g.v(int(graph_node_left)) right_node = g.v(int(graph_node_right)) graph_ref = left_node.adde(label).to(right_node).id().tolist() print(_, ":,:", left_node, ":,:", right_node, ":,:", label, ":,:", graph_ref) 

the output follows (only 2 output displayed in question due confidentiality issues):

14 :,: [['v', 42025072], ['adde', 'mentions'], ['to', [['v', 41422936]]], ['id']] :,: [['v', 41422936]] :,: mentions :,: [{'@type': 'janusgraph:relationidentifier', '@value': {'value': 'osaha-p0qr4-6mmt-onu54', '@class': 'java.util.hashmap'}}] 15 :,: [['v', 82559144], ['adde', 'mentions'], ['to', [['v', 516232]]], ['id']] :,: [['v', 516232]] :,: mentions :,: [] 

why did become blank suddenly? blank list?

trivial issues have started working on gremlin python recently.

also, if approach wrong, great if can suggest better way add vertece , edges csv file more optimally!


edit 1:

storage backend: cassandra

storage host: localhost

search backend: elastic search

dataset: twitter data generated

any more information required let me know.


edit 1:

after incorporating suggestion jason, setup cache false.

i'm using users.csv dataset generated contains unique 100 elements/users. when add db, should reflect 100 right?

so, i'm achieving addition db using:

keyname = kwargs['colname']    // in our case 'name' _, row in df.iterrows():   // df stores names of users needs added graph     keyvalue = row[keyname]     ret = self.g.addv(label).property(keyname+"_{}".format(k), keyvalue).next()    // label in out case 'user'     time.sleep(0.1)    // done avoid issue wherein data not committed server 

before running above snipped clean database each time logically there no question of residual vertex being present.

that achieved using:

gremlin>> graph ="conf/gremlin-server/") gremlin>> g = graph.traversal() gremlin>> g.v().drop().iterate() gremlin>> graph.tx().commit() 

once data store cleaned, , users data pushed using 2 codes snippet above, goto gremlin shell , following:

gremlin>> graph ="conf/gremlin-server/") gremlin>> g = graph.traversal() gremlin>> g.v().haslabel('user').count() 

logically should return me 100 number of unique elements in dataframe. expected output


actual output


but number varrying. in 1st run 23, 24.

why so? somehow there doesnt seem consistency.


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