symfony - Entity propetytype as object in Symfony2 -

i'm looking information, how use entity propety type object.

i have entity products , categories. in products entity propety category type object. how pass object categories propety? ideas how use? example ?

i say: don't use object type. instead use doctrine's association mappping.

i advice use one-to-many bidirectional or many-to-many bidirectional if want able have 1 product in multiple categories too.

follow these steps:

  • place examples in own entity , change annotations @... @orm\...
  • generate getters , setters commandline: app/console doctrine:generate:entities appbundle
  • update database schema: app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

now check created getter , setter functions. might find getproducts() removeproduct() , addproduct().


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