dynamic programming - Finding a Perfect English Pangram Algorithm -

the thought of pranking coworker has lead me thinking of ways find perfect english pangrams. plan write program using dynamic programming techniques try determine possible perfect pangrams, unless else knows of 1 exists, or able provide me known solution.

the prank plan arrange keys on coworker's keyboard pangram makes sense, in order so, characters can appear once.

as programmer, thought of interesting problem , after doing googling, have not found pangram doesn't have repeating characters.

with limited number of vowels of english language, expect might impossible. if not impossible, i'm curious there sentence can create make sense.

it's nice problem! if approach problem in way:

  • find english dictionary has part of speech each word is. discard words repeating characters.

  • find/create grammar english sentence. may this: s -> np vp, np → pronoun | proper-noun | ... reference

  • start building sentences backtracking procedure using grammar

given fact you'd not have repeating characters in sentence backtracking procedure not explore deep nodes , can sure reasonably fast.


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