Powershell takes too long to close; can't totally override the default prompt function -

i don't know what's happening powershell. have shell registry key allows me open powershell window in directory. content is:

c:\windows\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -executionpolicy unrestricted -noexit  

and custom defined prompt function:

function prompt {     write-host ("on ") -nonewline -foregroundcolor white     write-host ("$env:computername") -nonewline -foregroundcolor gray     write-host (" in ") -nonewline -foregroundcolor white     write-host ($(get-location)) -foregroundcolor gray     write-host ("$") -nonewline -foregroundcolor magenta      return "> "; } 

it should return

on pc-name in c:\


however, returns this:

on pc-name in c:\

$> ps c:>

anything wrong @ powershell? how more debug information guys?

i fix issue commenting out few functions in psreadline module installed. module add `b end of current prompt, append user prompt it, , restore default prompt when powershell being closed.


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