android - Ionic vibration not working -

that question old i've found no working answer in of similar questions.

basically, have code in app.js:

angular.module('starter', ['ionic', 'ngcordova'])   .run(function($ionicplatform) {     $ionicplatform.ready(function() {       if(window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.keyboard) {         cordova.plugins.keyboard.hidekeyboardaccessorybar(true);       cordova.plugins.keyboard.disablescroll(true);     }     if(window.statusbar) {       statusbar.styledefault();     }   }); })  .controller('testctrl', function($scope, $cordovavibration){    $scope.test = function(){     $cordovavibration.vibrate(1000);   }; }); 

i'm trying make phone vibrate pressing button using function test on controller. function being called correctly, phone doesn't vibrate.

the project builds without errors, , apparently cordova plugin fine. phone not muted. idea of doing wrong?


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