java - Have files in Fitnesse folder /files when lauching in local (or CI) -

i have fixture take file fitnesse server , treatment on , check result. want have file locally same path http://fitnesseonserver/files/society/01-upload/test1/myfile.xml http://localhost:9123/files/society/01-upload/test1/myfile.xml when put in src\it\fitnesse\fitnesseroot\files\ in maven project, don't have when launch fitnesse mvn clean verify -pwiki.

it appears in special folder called fitnesseroot\files\testresults , subfolders replaced folder1.folder2.folder3/ instead of folder1/folder2/folder3/... fact have hundreds of tests , can't afford change tests paths.

anyone knows put files in maven project when launch fitnesse on local (and afterwards, on jenkins builds), have files on folder /files on fitnesse righteous path ?

have fixture code check path environment variable? , if not present assumes path on stand-alone fitnesse server. if env variable present loads file using path. if maven plugin using run fitnesse part of maven build allows environment variables passed java process, might solution may work.


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