javascript - HTML section and div fixed size -

i'm trying fix height of div inside section 100px. however, no matter try, height reverts 'auto' , re-sizes depending on amount of content in div.

here's html code:

<section id="social" class="tab-content active">     <div id = "socialdiv"></div> </section> 

and here's i've tried far


social{height:100px; line-height:20px;overflow:hidden;} .socialdiv{height:100px !important; line-height:20px;overflow:hidden;} 


$('.socialdiv').css({'height':100+'px'}); $('.socialdiv').height( 100 ); 

unfortunately none of these work. i'd appreciate , on this.

ps. don't know if matter or not, part of chrome extension , section part of popup window displays during execution.

you mixing id (#) class (.)

your class tab-content you're trying change id social on both js , css.


$('.tab-content').css({'height':100+'px'}); $('.tab-content').height( 100 ); 


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