c# - Programatically Create Forms -

i want build program fill template, save in application specific format , send remote server.

there more 1 template, each of have different number of fields filled. moreover, human recognizable names of fields different each other.

moreover, kinds of templates program allow user fill not fixed @ programming time. there additional templates users deem necessary.

currently, able load single template, parse see necessary fields filled, fill them mock data , save them.

how can dynamically create user form necessary field names each time different template selected, users can manually enter data?

to create form on run time:

form newform = new form(); 

to add controls form, example, text box:

textbox text = new textbox();  newform.controls.add(text); 

you can add controls other containers, e.g.:

groupbox groupbox = new groupbox();  groupbox.controls.add(text);  newform.controls.add(groupbox); 

now groupbox added form containing text box.


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